Friday 21 September 2018


Following on from my last post (that I didn't have Glue Ear) I went to another ENT who also said the same thing. He also said for me to get on with my life and that it was all in my mind. He also performed a nasal endoscopy and said everything was fine.

As you can imagine at this point I was freaking furious with the ineptitude of both consultants that I had seen in that fine, good that I don't have Glue Ear, but what the hell is the problem?

So... immediately after the consultation I booked same-day appointment with a private ENT in South London. Hopped on the Tube from Archway to Brixton and then saw him an hour afterwards. 5 minutes with him and he identified the problem: a deviated septum to the right with further deflection and a swollen inferior turbinate to the right. These were blocking the airways to get to the right side of my sinuses and ear which for me felt like I had ear issues.

Surgery happened last week and I am still in recovery, I had laser surgery which greatly speeds up the healing process and you don't have to have nasal packs and all of that stuff, which I had when I was younger. Actually, come to think of it, I had surgery on my nose when I was 18 and they probably did a bad job then! (that's a whole load of trauma that I'll deal with in songs).  It's a bit gross with lots of blood and stuff coming out of my nose and bringing up blood clots and lots of nastiness. But it's getting better and every now-and-then I have clear sinuses and ears that don't pop and it's so, indescribable lovely.

I have started to sing - but taking it easy as my nose is still delicate.